Neo Travel isn’t about who we are, it’s about what we do.

Still many people want to know about the owner’s background and the staff next to them.

Back in 1990…

Neo Travel was created by a biologist who has worked in tourism since 1990, this expertise led him to know specific need to some of costarican visitors, those who are looking for a personalized experience, a deeper knowledge of costarican forests, a closer look at costarican lifestyle, basically every little detail that customizes a trip.

A costarican family owns and runs this business and hires local guides, some of our visits are exclusive to our customers, we are looking forward to improve distribution, which allows a much more authentique and closer discovery, in the meantime keeps our guests away from overcrowded sites for a while.

Neo Travel is a new way to travel into Costa Rica, Neo Travel is a new option for those visitors who desire to know and not just visit Costa Rica, allow us to show you our country in a deeper and closer way.



Our Mission

To achieve through our visitors a better culture in order to learn new ways to use both natural and cultural resources, this will allow an equal distribution of possibilities within the local families that become a part of our projects. As a result of the interaction between our visitors and these local families, the resources, to extend and strengthen the coverage of areas protected by these projects, will be accessible.

Our Vision

To strengthen in costarrican families the idea that there is a possibility to live out of the forest without destroying it. Regardless of the capital, but instead of their personal commitment.  This way they can inherit this philosophy to future generations. As the communities around our different projects notice the success achieved by families involved in NEO’s commitment, more families are becoming a part of this reality.

Our Goals

  • To contact areas that have not yet been involved with traditional tourism, in order to familiarize them with this industry, from a non commercial angle in order to keep our authenticity as much as possible.
  • To offer our visitors throughout the gastronomical resource and the daily routine of the different communities we will visit, an authentic experience.
  • To create new tourism routes that will allow a much more interactive and effective visiting pattern than the one in the existing and traditional options in our country..
  • To form guides in a less commercial way, instead reinforce their ecological awareness, as we convince this new generation of Customer Service should be stronger than an industrialized product.

Our Commitment

Neo Travel Costa Rica has a commitment to serve the most needed. Giving back to people and helping others to restore into the society again is part of our mission also.

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