Agriculture Experience

This will give you a different perspective of Costa Rica. It is now an ecological country, yet Costa Rica has its roots in the agricultural activities.
Let your eyes and hands witness how the hard work of our farmers helped forming this great nation.
It is possible to have an economy next to a forest, it is possible to share time between shovels and books, come and learn as you will become a true campesino, the reward daily fresh products!!!!

The welcome on to our country will be given to you by an expert in agronomy. He will explain amongst other things, the country’s diversity, which justifies the richness and variety of costarrican products. This particular reason has represented an enormous advantage, especially in times in which many countries can’t find ways to grow their own products, nor export them. Amongst other highlights, these visits will represent the main axle of your trip with us:

Cartago is a place that has always been known for all its mineral wealth given by the eruptions of the Irazu volcano, this allows the area to have potato, carrot, mustard and cabbage amongst other plantations, you will hear from our farmers about the rotation program they are using to avoid using the soil’s natural wealth.
The costarrican Caribbean is cradle to an enormous variety of products, but definitely it’s cover page are bananas, as they represent the main source of income for our country in terms of exports , you will also learn about its cousin, the plantain, a completely different species, get to know it and learn all the different ways it could be used. Even though it is an introduced species, the macadamia has found in our country the idyllic environment to fructify, despite the fact that it’s a very demanding kind of tree regarding its needs. Last but not least, the mysterious soursop, a fruit not many people know outside our boundaries, but here we really know how to make good use of it, if you are not careful you might become addict to Guanabana Ice Cream.

Close to our capital, in the Sarapiqui area you will see the product to whose exportations have shown a larger growth in the last years, the pineapple, as you will see it can be grown organically, which will help to get rid of some negative concepts that have given question marks to the real benefits of growing this crop. You will know, participate and prepare different dishes with delicious palmitos and their fruit, the pejibaye, no doubt your recipe book will no longer be traditional after this visit. We will Travel along time to understand the importance of cocoa, a sacred product for our indigenous, an economical answer throughout the colony, and later on an empire that has conquered the whole planet, chocolate. You will realize how wild forests were the origins of worldwide traditions in terms of gastronomy, learn about this as you learn from an unexplored product, pepper.

The northern plains shelter the San Carlos area, one of Costa Rica’s area that show a healthier wealth distribution, many believe it’s due to the different uses of soil that are possible in San Carlos, besides the fact that is has an idyllic balance between rainwater and sunlight all year round. There are products that have been grown since precolombian period, as a wide variety of tuber roots, such as manioc, malanga, tiquizque; you will notice as well important extensions of juicy oranges and fragrant guavas, a fruit that practically grows wild. We will take you to visit areas with a group that has shown a very stable growth in exports throughout the years, ornamental plants. San Carlos practices as well a double purpose ranching successfully, this way creamy milk and juicy steaks are both produced here.

The advantage of a tropical climate as the one found in the Guanacaste area is that you can grow the different products that need of a considerable exposure to sunlight, before the plant or tree stresses enough to give us their fruits. This way will take you inside the plantations in which costarrican diet is based upon, rice. Another product that grows successfully despite the fact that it was introduced is sugar cane. As this area is warmer that the rest of the country, we will need to cool down with a refreshing watermelon, a product that has its climax in this area. Historically speaking we can’t leave aside one of the most important products of the indigenous diet, corn.

In the very heart of Costa Rica, around its capital, you will learn about the product that made us famous, afterwards you will be able to explain why costarrican coffee is ranked amongst the higher standards worldwide. You will also see a product in which Costa Rica trusted its economy for a while, tobacco; if you’re not surprised by all of this yet, wait until you try costarrican strawberries!!

No doubt at all, you will find surprises all around you, history in every product, pleasure in every bite, after all, everything grows from its roots !!!