Why Us

Why us?

This is a question you will find in every Website, always trying to persuade you as to the reasons for which they offer you a better product, but the question is, how could you be the best by just offering the same as others? The answer would be offering what the visitors are looking for when they visit a country…something different, something that will take them off their daily routine, allowing them to push away their reality and entering another one, that’s what NEO allows their guests. As your host NEO will allow you to know in an overall way the costarrican mentality along with their traditions.

As you will be having fun and getting delighted with the outstanding nature of Costa Rica not just will you learn, but actually you are contributing to preserve the cultural and natural resources through the costarrican families that will share lunch with you. These families will show you their deepest traditions, their lifestyles and will tell how their lives have been improved with this NEO way to make a living. So far in Costa Rica few hands have received the economical benefits of having visitors in our country, now you are giving the opportunity to many more people to receive these benefits. You are helping us to prove our local population how important it is to preserve our resources, both natural and cultural.

In a personalized way you will not just drive throughout a country, you will be learning through our staff about this NEO concept, our staff. Our staff is committed to protect all of our resources and deeply convinced that it is time to give back to the country that has sheltered us with food and education amongst other things. That’s the reason for which we anger to take you deep into the experience of really saying you know a country, its roots. This will still be a vacation for you, a vacation that will leave tracks in both your life as in the places you will know in Costa Rica.

The families you will visit only knew buses filled with tourist driving before them and didn’t see any improvement in their lives coming from this great industry, this is what kept them from understanding the importance of protecting their surroundings, their reality. Today they fill proud of letting you into their homes and sharing the intimacy of their home, you can also feel proud, as you are the reason that encouraged them to improve their lifestyle, in return you will be delighted with a delicious lunch.

The dishes they serve you are representative to the area you are visiting; they are served in their houses, houses with a different identity throughout the different localities, an identity that fits their lifestyle. This is what marks a difference, homemade food served with love, this will be the entrée, the main course will be witnessing how a real costarrican lives, how we are…isn’t this what you look for when you visit different countries… an identity?

Thanks to you these families are convinced that it pays to preserve, and more areas are being protected now in a much better way, don’t doubt it come and visit our country in a different way from a NEO angle, an angle closer to the costarrican heart!!!

Travelling with us NEO guarantees that the resources created with your visit to our country will stay in the local hands that are helping to make a difference!!!!

The fact that our guest is receiving services from a company that has a commitment with the world’s environment means that our guest is helping to preserve.

As an observer you will be aware of your participation in an active way.